Flex Your Digital Wealth with AnastasiaPay

Create a current account that always work

Experience the swiftness of sending and receiving money at the speed of light, paving the way for a future where Intact financial transactions unfold effortlessly.

Create account

Effortlessly Monitor your Finances

Effectively monitor and control your expenditures and earnings using our analytics feature, fostering a more deliberate approach to your financial management.

Monitor your finances

Virtual cards just
got better!

Design personalized virtual and physical cards exclusively tailored for transactions in both Naira and USD. Subscribe to your preferred app, enjoy various features, and stay consistently informed.

Monitor your finances

Pay all your Bills in one place

Effortlessly manage and pay all your bills in one convenient place. Streamline your finances for a hassle-free experience.

Monitor your finances

Open Banking API got

We offer developer resources, documentation, and support to make integration simple for development teams, reducing the time and effort required to implement payment solutions.

API Code

Want to join us?

Get started in three
easy steps


Find the AnastasiaPay app

Find the AnastasiaPay app in the App Store or the Play Store. You can search for the app or follow a link to the app's page.



Install AnastasiaPay app

Install the app on your device by tapping the 'Install' button and waiting for the download process to complete. Depending on your device and internet connection, this may take a few minutes.



Register/Log in

Once the app is installed, launch it and register for a new account or log in to your existing account to access all of the features and benefits of AnastasiaPay.